Ashiatsu Myrtle Beach
DeepFeet & Sarga Training in Myrtle Beach
DeepFeet & Sarga Bodywork
in Myrtle Beach
We are everywhere!!
Essence Day Spa has several Certified DeepFeet Bar Therapists in the heart of Myrtle Beach. You can find Advanced Trained Therapists, Couples Ashiatsu, Ashi-Thai, DeepFeet Silks and Sarga Bodywork here. Essence is the Premier practice location along the Grand Strand for newly trained DeepFeet Therapists and is home to the 2023 South Carolina Massage Champion and home to South Carolina CoreStone Massage Training
Massage & Bodywork
Touch of Balance has several Trained & Certified DeepFeet Therapists. You can find Advanced and Beginners here.
Beauty | Body | Yoga
Holistic Jade has a DeepFeet Trained & Certified therapist in Conway. You can find advanced trained therapists here as well as DeepFeet Silks and Ashi Thai.
Nicole is advanced trained through DeepFeet Bar Therapy as well as Ashi-Thai & DeepFeet Silks
TOA has several trained therapists offering DeepFeet Silks and DeepFeet Bar Therapy. TOA is centrally located in Market Common!
Waccamaw Med Spa has several therapists trained in DeepFeet Bar Therapy
Therapeutic Massage & Day Spa
Body & Beyond, on the very south end of the Grand Strand offers Sarga Bodywork and DeepFeet Floor Silks!